
Welcome to the home of my many interests, half-baked projects, and digital representations of myself.

Hope you enjoy.

Hello! I am here on this earth to have fun, learn, teach, create, and love.

Highlights from the last few years:

  • Founding a product development studio during college with some of my best friends.
  • Teaching myself to ride a bike at the ripe age of 21.
  • Moving from the US to Singapore on a whim in the Fall of 2019, building a life there after COVID hit, and realizing that food is pretty cool.
  • Hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail on a week's notice and with no training, with the help of one brave, offroad-friendly taxi driver (donate to the AT!).
  • Discovering the art and science of terrariums, hosting a workshop to tell all my friends about it, and building a terrarium resource directory so others can have the same fun I did.

My professional life has followed a similar pattern. I'm excited by solving interesting problems with fun people. I've jumped industries and roles in nearly every job I've had, and have embraced my nature as an enthusiastic generalist.

I now spend my time:

  • Supporting small business owners by ugprading their businesses with technology and processes.
  • Fulfilling my lifelong dreams of being a teacher, teaching STEM topics, music, and anything that I get excited to run a workshop for.
  • Working on projects that I'm excited by in climate, education, music, and the arts.

If you want to say hi, work together, or give me advice on how to organize my life, please reach out. I'd love to hear from you.